Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Meeting Aesclepius

At first I found it extremely difficult to even see a man with whom I could feel love, compassion and wisdom from. My mind raced like a waterfall loud searching for the vision of such a person I could focus on. The longer I tried to come up with a person the quieter my mind got until finally I saw the vision. I focused on him and tried my hardest to see him, listen to him, and learn from him.

I believe that mindful meditation has helped me focus in on problems with silencing my mind and focusing on things that really matter. It has helped me search within myself rather than looking outside to find the answer to the problem. I feel that in doing so I am constantly gaining knowledge and strength.

I feel that learning and furthering my knowledge with mindful meditation will really help me teach others to learn and listen to their body to know what is truly going on. I think by practicing and learning these things myself I can better explain and help other discover the incredible relationship they can have with their mind and body. I will continue to work on the meditations I have learned. I will continue to spread the knowledge I have to help others do the same. The mind-body connection is a strong one that will only benefit those who want to explore it.

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